Bourkelands Estate

Bourkelands Estate Wagga Wagga Bourkelands is a large residential estate in the southern suburbs of Wagga Wagga, comprising approximately 750 blocks in total. It was the first masterplanned estate in Wagga Wagga. The Bourkelands Estate Masterplan was developed in 2004 and endorsed by Wagga Wagga City Council in 2005. In the past ten years, Bourkelands has…

Marc Allen Building – new homes

Marc Allen Homes Marc Allen of Marc Allen Building P/L is a highly valued client of MJM Consulting Engineers. MAB is one of the most rapidly expanding home building companies in Wagga Wagga, having an established portfolio of new homes in Boorooma Estate, Estella Rise, Charles Sturt Estate (off Farrer Road) and Lloyd Estate. Marc Allen and…

Estella Rise Estate

Estella Rise Estate Wagga Wagga MJM Consulting Engineers designed the Estella Rise Estate Masterplan Comprising almost 400 residential allotments. Estella Rise, is one of the most picturesque residential estates in Wagga Wagga. It is located in the rapidly expanding northern residential precinct and the stages are selling out at an unprecedented pace. Three quarters of the…