Project Updates

Great news for the start of Spring, with the title registration of the latest stage at Estella Rise today. Estella Rise Stage 1B follows on from the very successful release of Stage 1A and includes a further 33 residential blocks.

The vast majority of blocks in Stage 1B have been sold prior to registration, however a small number remain and these can be viewed at The popularity is indicative of the strength of the local economy and the attractive lifestyle that Estella Rise is offering to its residents. There are exciting plans in the pipeline for a beautiful parkland for the estate as well.

MJM Consulting Engineers is the designer and project manager of this masterplanned estate, on behalf of our valued client Combined Development Group Pty Ltd. We congratulate our client and their sales agent Neville Chapple of Premium Property Brokers on this latest release. Purchasers are advised they can now settle on these blocks and commence building subject to council approval! Purchasers are also reminded that the developer has kindly provided residential soil classification reports for all allotments in this stage. These can be accessed from the sales agent Neville Chapple or from MJM Consulting Engineers.

If you are looking for a custom-designed plan for your new home or a consultant to handle all of your council approvals, contact MJM Consulting Engineers on 6921 8333.